Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Outline and Discuss the Major Roles and Functions of the Guidane Counsellor

Within our Jamaican schools the guidance counseling programmes are designed to implement core principles as stated by the Jamaican school curriculum. Guidance counsellors are the ones who play the role of effectively analyzing and implementing these programmes which ensure that all students are well prepared to manage these â€Å"exciting times†; every student needs support and guidance. This is imperative as they embark upon the academic, social, spiritual and developmental challenges of adolescence; a time of rapid growth and change.Our guidance and counselling programmes offer students the opportunity to develop these characteristics necessary to become successful adults in a fast changing world. The primary goal of guidance and counselling and guidance counsellors is to guide and support overall student development and well-being in three broad areas of student life; while keeping in mind the central tasks of adolescence such as acquiring and assimilating self-knowledge, d eveloping future goals and purposefulness, building strategies to accomplish goals, developing decision-making skills, coping with outcomes of decisions and exploring social relationships.The guidance counsellor is charged with the responsibility of being the one who facilitates positive change in the lives of those in their care especially in the three broad areas. These include ‘Personal/Social Goals’ which entails helping students acquire the inter personal and communication skills to increase their understanding and respect of self and others. Academic Goals’, which helps students develop a wide range of academic skills and become effective agents of their learning, ‘Post Secondary-College Planning Goals’ achieved through information sessions and by making resources available to research and apply to college, students are able to plan and make decisions about their future. John is a fifteen year old student who has recently returned to Jamaica to live with his father. John had left Jamaica at an early age to live with his mother in the Cayman Island. She is now incarcerated in the Cayman Island and so he now has to live with his father.John is having serious problems in school and at home. He has been getting very low grades in class and is sometimes very disrespectful to his teachers especially his female teachers. John also finds it hard to adjust and to make new friends; he resents the woman with whom his father now lives and is now hiding from school and hanging out at the video arcade. John’s teachers and his father have made arrangements for him to have weekly sessions with the schools Guidance Counsellor. The roles of a Guidance Counsellor in any Jamaican school vary.John’s case is just one example of the wide spectrum of psychosocial problems experienced by many Jamaica students who are in need of guidance and support. The role of a counselor in John’s case is vital to his adjustment to his new situation and with him dealing with the pain of his past experiences. Whatever his counsellor does is critical in his survival from his maladjustments. Myric (2003) defines the term ‘role’ as an elusive one. It generally refers to the part that one plays in a given situation. He further gives the definition of function as the way in which a professional carries out his/her part.Function gives attention to various behaviours that might be performed in the role. Guidance and counselling is therefore a necessity in all Jamaican schools. The needs of students especially those at the adolescent stage are overwhelming. As postulated by Makinde (1993) persons at the adolescence stage in life need guidance as they seek to clarify their goals and values, strengthen their interests and aspirations, appreciate their philosophies and cognition and adjust to the norms of society. Some major roles and functions of the guidance counsellors according to Gibson et al. 1999) are to provi de individual counselling, group counselling, work with parents, and consult with teachers and administrators. Guidance counsellors should also conduct classroom guidance instructions and assessment activity and coordinate with community agencies. The Ministry of Education (2009) outlines the major components that comprise roles and functions as: preventative, interventive, supportive administrative and pro professional development. In order to help Jamaican students make the transition from childhood to adulthood, the guidance counsellor’s role is integral in this quest towards the holistic development of these students.How important are these roles and functions in the development of our children, our future? This essay seeks to outline the major roles and functions of a guidance counsellor in our Jamaica school setting and also to examine some of the factors which negatively impact the guidance counsellor in his or her quest towards fulfilling these roles. As a guidance co unsellor the implementation of all the components geared towards the holistic development of students must be considered and implemented. These should be ongoing and emphasis should be placed on classroom guidance as well as group and individual counselling.Ministry of Education (2009) coined preventive measures as proactive initiatives implemented to deter the onset of individual and group problems. These measures and strategies will provide students and others the opportunities to learn skills of conflict resolution and reduction. Guidance Counsellors are able to assist in the planning, implementing and coordinating of orientation designed to help students adjust to new experiences within the school community. The preventative components also help guidance counsellors to promote leadership development of peer counsellors and encourage participation in community service programmes.These programmes also furnish principals and other stakeholders with relevant information concerning s tudents in the various stages of development. As students progress through the different levels of academic life, they are faced with tremendous problems of deciding and selecting their subjects, courses and career choice. This challenge can be alleviated through the professional guidance of the guidance counsellor. The counsellor will assist the students to make rational decisions toward their life goals.Through career development programmes the Guidance counsellors help provide placement services and work experience for the students. Through this kind of programme the counsellor is able to help the students to make the transition from one school level to another or from school to employment, in this way students are better prepared and equipped with skills necessary for the world of work. The guidance counsellor also assists students who although they have been exposed to the options and guidance in a group setting, have not made up their minds as to which area they would like to pursue.These students are usually assisted on an individual basis. Another major role and function of the guidance counsellor includes individual counselling of students. Gibson (1999) defines individual counselling as one-to-one relationship involving a trained counsellor that focuses on some aspects of the client’s adjustment, development, or decision making. This process can therefore help a counsellor develop a close personal relationship and communication base with the student. As such the guidance counsellor in the school can help tudents to develop understanding of self as it relates to their social and psychological world. Students can also be assisted in exploring possibilities relating to their lives and also understanding how to initiate change in their lives. Through individual counselling students will gain a better sense of confidence in the counsellor and will no doubt be more comfortable in discussing and dealing with issues presented. With individual counsell ing the opportunity is there for them to speak freely without the fear that may exist in a group setting.For a student such as John an individual session will help him to deal with underlying issues which have created his bitterness and anger. He would be better able to cope with all the changes with which he is faced. Such an individual counselling session would allow him the framework on which to maximize his true potential and understand his world in order to impact positive change. Saginak (2003) provides additional insights into how effective counsellors can help identify students of multiple intelligences.This finding can help a counsellor care for the different needs of students. For example, the use of journal writing, art, music and poetry has been advocated for many years as effective ways with counselling students. Individual counselling is basically a continuous process as the counsellor seeks to build a relationship with each student he or she comes in contact with. Ind ividual counselling by a guidance counsellor is sometimes the only means of providing some kind of hope for some children. Hence, the counsellor should ensure that a harmonious relationship is built.Although some students are confident to go to a counsellor’s office after being referred by their teacher, parents or peer, some may be reluctant; as such, group sessions will help to cater to the needs of these students. The importance of group counselling (small group, large group) and guidance in schools cannot be overemphasized. According to Johnson (2000), group counselling involves two or more individuals in face-to-face interactions, each aware of positive interdependence as they strive to achieve mutual goal.Myrick (2003) adds value to what Johnson (2000) said that group counselling in school is a unique educational experience in which students can work together to explore their ideas, attitudes, feelings and behavior especially as it relates to personal development and pr ogress in school. For some students this might be the only intervention experience in learning about themselves, others, life task and how to deal with certain confidential issues. It is clear that group counselling helps students to share common interest and concerns.Students like to know that other students are having similar experiences as they are having. Groups are valuable as students are better able to support each other as they struggle together. As such, students are better able to relate to each other in their social contexts. Improvise the opportunity for students for students to learn and live with each other as a team. Gladding (2009), states that students participating in a group develop social relationships and emotional bonds and often become enlightened.Research has also shown Flemming (1999) that group counselling is more effective than individual counselling to address the need of students, especially â€Å"at risk† students. He further asserts that this co ntention is supported through research into violent youths, which suggests that peer group interventions are effective in redirecting peer values, confronting antisocial behavior, teaching problem-solving skills and encouraging pro-social behavior. Dollarhide et al (2003) opines that students in group counselling allow counsellors to expand their awareness of student client.What better way to see how students react in their systems than to witness it first-hand. In essence group counselling in Jamaican schools provide both students and guidance counsellors with a more comprehensive knowledge of what students are faced with on a daily basis, issues can be dealt with and students continue to focus on their goals. As in John’s case, he may not be responsive in a group setting as well as he might be timid or embarrassed to tell his story. Although group counselling can be beneficiary to many students, it has its down side.The nature of group settings can at times bring out comple x and sensitive issues which might require counsellors to speak to teachers and parents to better aid students in this process, hence the need for consultation. Saginak (2003),defines consultation as a three part helping relationship characterized by confidentiality, mutual respect and collegiality, focused on helping the consulted function more effectively with the client. Saginak further states that consultation provides a systematic intervention allowing counsellors to reach into student’s context and mobilize other persons in the student’s support network.In the consultation process the Guidance Counsellor can maximize the opportunity to educate the teachers, parents and community on the developmental issues that students are faced with this level of consultation is vital in Jamaican schools as it provides stakeholders with the assurance in dealing with the issues which may arise with their children. Parents are better able maximize on their roles as caregivers and confidants. This is as a result of the access to cooperative relationship with their child’s Guidance Counsellor.This enables them to better understand their child’s behavior, attitude, relationship and other concerns. In addition, it provides the opportunity for counsellors to consult with parents who are not actively participating in their child’s education. In a case like John’s which is similar to many children in Jamaica, the guidance Counsellor would not only help him to deal with his present problems but also to develop skills that would allow him to be able to cope with other challenging situations which will inevitably occur throughout his lifetime.His parents would also be enlightened as to how their actions influence his state of mind and behaviour and the steps they can take to help him to live a better life. Parents would also have a closer hand on what exactly is going on in the life of their children and would receive information as to whe ther or not their child need further help to cope with different situations. Consultation also helps teachers and administrators in dealing with students who are exhibit anti-social or dysfunctional behaviour.It provides the teacher the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to deal with these children who are problematic. Teachers would understand the adjustments of the curriculum and instructions needed to effect positive change. In his or her role in the Jamaican school system the guidance counsellors also provide consultation to the members of the school community this is deemed necessary as the community is usually the nurturing ground for the members of the school. This in effect filters down to benefiting the student and the entire community.This also fosters a better and more effective communication process between the school and the community. Although not an official role, the guidance counsellor in the Jamaican schools, through community involvement, are often times ca lled upon to lobby for sponsors for different projects these are usually projects undertaken by the counselling department or administration for the funding of different project geared towards students’ development. As stated by Miss Cindy Nemard guidance counsellor at Quest Preparatory, many students benefit from these programmes specially in the public schools where school feeding programmes, school fee payment, sport scholarships, examination fees, uniform to books and other programmes benefit the children based on the collaboration effort of the guidance counsellors and the community members. Miss Nemard further states that this allows the community members through their support of the school a sense of being a part of the school development and progress. They also get to voice their opinion on their hopes and plans for the school and in turn the students.In addition the counsellor gains easier access to engaging families in counselling the process and if necessary collec ting information to assist the police, judge or social worker. The overall benefit from community consultation is immeasurable. She further states that when the stakeholders are involved in the children’s development the school environment is more shaped within the community. To maximize on this the guidance counsellor must have a good programme which will be beneficial towards the total development of the students.Without a plan we have very little hope of achieving the full potential of our dreams and aspirations, similar is the case with a guidance counsellor in achieving his or her objectives. He or she must have a clear idea of the needs of the students and the objectives must be in line with such. The role of the guidance counsellor in this instance is one of being administrator as he or she must not only decide on the objectives but plan careful and effective programme to achieve these goals. These goals must be in line with the Ministry of Education’s guideline s and at the same time cater for the needs of the stakeholders.These programmes must be infused with the school’s curriculum. The counsellor has to maintain records of the process and progress of the guidance programme and all the activities involved, these include career day, orientation of new students, staff and student development seminars, curriculum lessons and consultation time. Myrick (2003) says that a guidance counsellor is like the co-pilot on a plane, responsible for his or her own programme. The question therefore arises: what are the specific ways in which a guidance Counsellor leads?The guidance counsellor at all times has to be involved in planning, coordinating, organizing, assessing and evaluating. The counsellor has to be reliable, impartial and accountable. The guidance counsellor has to be supportive of all stakeholders. Ministry of Education (2010) views supportive as those management activities that establish, maintain and enhance the total guidance and counselling programmes. A full assessment of programmes activities in schools helps the counsellors to plan for future programmes and evaluate to what extent the programme are working or their effectiveness.Ongoing assessment needs to be done for the students to ensure readiness for ongoing learning. As guidance counsellors are seen as helpers who understand and respond to human needs however, he or she must be cognisant of his or her needs as well. With the approval of the Ministry of Education and the school boards counsellors must engage in personal and professional development. According to the Ministry of Education the guidance counsellor must attend conferences, workshops, and meeting.These include those at the Jamaica Association of Guidance Counsellors in Education (JAGCE), the Guidance Counselling Unit and other organizations not exceeding fifteen sessions per year. As the guidance counsellors acquire these skills and knowledge he or she must demonstrate knowledge of the l aw and policies as it relates to education, guidance and counselling, children and adolescent. The counsellor must also abide by the Education act (1980) and the Code of National Ethics of the Jamaica Association of JAGCE Ministry (2009).Being a proactive, knowledgeable individual, a guidance counsellor has to keep up to date with the required skills and knowledge in order to be a competent and effective counsellor. Although the guidance counsellors are reaping some success in schools, they are faced with existing challenges which affects the effective performance of their daily tasks. Myrick (2003) thinks that the individual counselling is becoming a luxury in schools. It cannot be provided for everyone. He further states that some students need this more than others because of the nature of their concerns and their inability to work with groups.In essence, counsellors face limitations to effectively cater to every student. Counsellors do not have enough time to see all. Guidance c ounsellors are also seen as coordinators of many activities and programmes within the school setting. They are responsible for a number of administrative work involving students, teachers, parents and all the stakeholders involved. This role in itself impedes the speed and progress of other important roles. It may lead to an overworked counsellor and an unbalanced counselling programme.Myrick (2003), points out that the coordinating functions of can be a millstone round a counsellor’s neck, or it can lead to some productive outcomes in guidance. Counsellors are seen as teachers with flexible time and so at times there is disregard for the structured plans and routine of a guidance counsellor as he or she is often called up onto fill in as a substitute teacher in the absence of a regular class teacher. Another problem that counsellors face is that of the increase in the violence in the society which is then mirrored in the Jamaican schools. Counsellors are limited to their job s as it is often difficult for them to gain access to the root cause of the problems involving violence in the schools.Students who are exposed to violence in their communities may begin to adapt to this kind of life experience and sometimes may even accept violence as the norm. Although the guidance counsellors use their initiatives to encourage students in situations like these at times their efforts seem to go unnoticed The limitations and challenges also extend to the lack of or insufficient resources in schools. For the counselling process to be effective the counsellor should be provided with certain basic essentials such as a comfortable counselling area in which to practice.Counsellors are sometimes hesitant to pursue difficult cases involving students especially as it relates to criminal offences. Counsellors are often apprehensive of the repercussions which may arise when reports are made against persons who commit crimes against children. With the inadequacy of our legal system, counsellors sometimes have to think of the safety and well being of themselves and their families. The roles and functions of a guidance counsellor are many and varied and sometimes extend to areas undefined; however as a guidance counsellor one must ensure that his or her role is carried out comprehensively and effectively.All the roles mentioned are specific to all counsellors but may vary depending on the type of school. The finding in this research outlines and gives definite answers relating to some roles and functions of the guidance counsellor within the Jamaican schools. The roles identified include providing education counselling, career counselling, consultation, classroom instruction, individual and group counselling. It can be concluded that the role of the guidance counsellor is important for the continued development of the students in our school and in effect the continued development of our Jamaican society.Reference Gladding,T. (2009). A comprehensive Profes sion. New Jersey Gibson, L. (1999). Introduction to Counselling and Guidance. United States of America Prentice Hall Inc. Mankind, O (1993). Fundamentals of Guidance and Counselling London Oxford Mack Millan Education Myrick, D (2003). Development Guidance and Counselling: A Practical Approach. 4th Edition. United States of America: Education Media Corporation. Ministry of Education Guidance Counselling Unit

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American economy of the 20th century

The growth of industry in the last half of the 19th century laid the foundation for American economy of the 20th century [1]. The expansion was driven by large-scale industrial development and railroads that led to an urbanized industry primarily in the Northeast, and promoted population increase through immigration at a rate of 300,000 persons per year. The second half of the 19th century brought an explosion of new discoveries and inventions that amounted to a â€Å"second industrial revolution.† Examples included: petroleum discoveries, typewrites, refrigerated railway cars, telephone, phonograph, car, electric and the airplane. These inventions enabled the rise of the business tycoon who amassed a vast financial empire, and had tremendous influence on the further development of the U. S. economy. The great tycoons were fierce competitors, singleminded in their pursuit of financial success and power. Among the giants were Jay Gould, J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Ro ckefeller and Henry Ford.Some of these men were honest, according to business standards of their day; others used force, bribery and guile to achieve their wealth and power. Their example and the fact that most Americans — living in a society with a more fluid class structure — embraced the idea of moneymaking with enthusiasm created the impetus for the American economic engine at the beginning of the 20th century. The era of progressivism is characterized by the reluctance of the US government to get too involved in the private sector.This freed everyone to do whatever they could to get ahead, and ultimately proved the downfall of many small and large business men by the time of the Great Depression (1929-1940). The tremendous growth of the economy was unsustainable, and the lack of regulations meant that the inevitable slow down affected different economic sectors disproportionately and severely. The 1929 stock market crash had brought on the most serious economic di slocation in the nation's history.The New Deal enacted by Roosevelt's attempt to alleviate the emergency and prevent it in the future by extending federal authority in all fields, notably banking, agriculture, social security and public welfare. It gave immediate attention to labor problems, creating minimum standards for wages, hours, relief and security — and served as a catalyst for the expansion of labor unions in such industries as steel, automobiles and rubber. During this period organized labor unions were developed as a grass roots response to business past excesses.The US economy probably would have returned to its original condition with relatively low government interference in the direction it evolved (though with the newly instituted checks and balances put in place by the New Deal) eventually but the outbreak of WWII in which the US played a major role economically and technologically in contrast to WWI. The U. S. government was compelled to intervene in the eco nomy as it never had before. The War Production Board was created to coordinate the nation's productive capabilities so that military priorities would be met.Converted consumer-products plants filled many military orders. Automakers built tanks and aircraft, for example, making the United States the â€Å"arsenal of democracy. † In an effort to limit inflation due to rising national income and scarce consumer products, the newly created Office of Price Administration controlled rents on some dwellings, rationed consumer items ranging from sugar to gasoline, and otherwise tried to restrain price increases. This intervention had several effects.First it redirected business resources to the military effort, and away from consumer goods. During the Depression, most people were too poor to buy anything, but as the economy sped up in the war effort, it began to put wealth in the pockets of ordinary citizens, who did not have anything to spend it on. Psychologically this created a p ent up demand for everything such that when the war was over and business could return to purely consumer interests there was a huge pent up demand for everything.This pent-up demand was enough to fuel the economy for almost 15 years, and led to the Baby Boom and expansion of suburbs and the middle class. The automobile industry successfully converted from making tanks and bombers, and new industries such as aviation and electronics grew by leaps and bounds. A housing boom, stimulated in part by easily affordable mortgages for returning servicemen, added to the expansion. So did the rise in defense spending, which occurred later with the escalation of the Cold War. Business entered a period marked by consolidation.Firms merged to create huge, diversified â€Å"conglomerates†: for example, International Telephone and Telegraph Co. bought Sheraton Hotels, Continental Baking, Hartford Fire Insurance, Avis Rent-a-Car and other companies. However the seed of imbalance were being s ewn. More people wanted to work at white collar jobs hat paid well, and did not require physical labor, and with the expanding manufacturing it was possible. Farmers on the other hand over produced as a result of technology improvements which led to a decrease in prices and loss in profitability.Finally demographic shifts to the Sun Belt states, began to bleed the talent hungry North of trained employees. These changes began a slow but serious sift in the location and focus of business operations. Businesses began to shift their operations to follow the people, and change the job descriptions by shifting undesirable manual labor jobs to minorities and eventually out of the country. The 1960’s and 1970’s began a period of social malaise as people began to feel the stress of economic changes without really understanding why and how extensive they became.Before all people had to worry about was their own performance, and perhaps their small community, now everyone was aff ected by national shifts that were not obvious as they evolved. In some respect the public’s response was similar to that during the great Depression that led to demand of greater government regulation and labor unions, except that global issues such as the environment, poverty, foreign competition, and energy became the focus.To try to refocus the economy, Kennedy promoted the space program which among other things was to help turn the US economy toward technology rather than manufacturing, but a series of events allowed this to dissipate after several years: Kennedy’s assassination, racial riots, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and the 193 Arab Oil embargo. Thus the space program was unable to refocus the economy, and instead spiraling inflation, increased federal budget deficits, intensified foreign competition, high unemployment and stagnant demand arose.This situation was used politically to shift American political support from Democratic to Republican, since throug h the widespread availability of TV, radio, and new magazines it was possible to convince the public that regulation of business led to stagnation of business, and only through its freedom, it could re-drive the economy, much like it did at the turn of the century. In the early 1980s, the Reagan administration pushed through a series of tax cuts, at the same time that it proposed huge slashes in social programs, and reduction or elimination of government regulations affecting the consumer, the workplace and the environment.Tight control of the Federal Reserve help keep inflation low during these changes, and was used to keep social upheavals by the mainstream populace at bay. Those who lost out in the first wave of economic changes in the 1960’s because they could not adapt, were also affected by the â€Å"fixes† of the 19t0’s and 1980’s. Meanwhile the US government had to support agriculture which had totally collapsed, leading to the establishment of th e budget deficit.Another stock market crash in 1987, suggested more corrections on business activities was in order, and the subsequent collapses of the savings and loan industry in the 1990’s, underscored the lessons learned during the Great Depression, namely that unregulated business activities promote the economy initially, but do not prevent imbalances from developing that eventually threaten the overall positive growth, even though by contrast, other sectors of the economy, such as computers, aerospace and export industries generally showed signs of continuing growth.The US economy of the late 1990’s and beginning of the 21st century is heavily affected by the global economy. The global economic interdependence of the United States and other nations has grown geometrically since the Second World War, and is evidenced in resource utilization, production decisions, raw materials trade and consumer demand. A sign of increased interdependence is the growth of foreign investment. Through foreign investment, the U.S. industry has helped develop major industries in other countries, attempted to increase demand by serving foreign markets from local plants, and to shift undesired or difficult to fill manufacturing jobs to places where it is cheaper and the workforce is available. About one-third of foreign investment in the United States is also in manufacturing. Meantime, those lost jobs are replaced by new ones in industries with more potential.In the late 20th century, those jobs were increasingly in such high-technology industries as computers and biotechnology, and in fast-expanding service industries such as health care and computer software. As a result of this interdependence the US economy is entering another period of economic growth, as well as uncertainty. Since the growth of foreign investment in both directions has developed faster than regulations, there is inevitably going to be problems with economic imbalances, except this time on a global scale. Issues of national security overlap with economic issues traceable to a general global imbalance in wealth.In an attempt to fix these imbalance the US entered into several â€Å"free trade† agreements, aimed a making economic growth equal on both sides. In some cases these agreement have sped up the inevitable job and industry restructuring that was occurring throughout the end of the 20th century. The hope is that in the long run economies of equal partners will work much better than between unequal partners. From Revolution to Reconstruction, Dr. George M. Welling, Department of Alfa-Informatica of the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), 2005.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Waterloo International Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Analysis of Waterloo International - Essay Example This essay describes the design of Waterloo International. The International terminal at Waterloo opened in 1994 under Eurostar’s banner. The terminal itself has had nearly 100 million pairs of feet through its concourses, millions using the restrooms, parking facilities, hotel and boarding areas. The terminal has stood up well to the demands placed on it and it is rather the route through the chunnel which has caused most problems for the operation of the trains. The high speed travel option has been dogged by bad press and Nicholas Sarkozy has openly citicised the company for lack of adequate preparation in case of emergencies. Because of extreme weather conditions the chunnel has been forced to close on many occasions-on one occasion passengers were stuck for hours-the ensuing panic almost crippled Eurostar. What began as a revolution in travel and design seemed, in 2007, to be a doomed operation and when Eurostar moved its entire operation to St Pancreas , Grimshaw’s lovely soaring dome looked set to become yet another Modernist white elephant. So far the building has been a venue for a performance of the Kink’s song, Waterloo Sunset, by Lily Allen (a fitting tribute), a major art exhibition and a Topshop fashion show during London Fashion Week, the models strutted down the platform showcasing the latest in British street style. These events show that Grimshaw’s addition to Waterloo station has been accepted by the Bri ts and looks set to be well utalised in the future.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Joint Functions Commander's Estimate Coursework

Joint Functions Commander's Estimate - Coursework Example (b) Terrain. Azerbaijan terrain is very hilly. This kind of terrain affects observation and fire; concealment; cover; movement (surface and air); employment of weapons as well as surveillance. (c) The socio-political climate. The problem of rebels in the area of operation is a political one. Some rebel groups are supported by political forces from outside while some still get support from within the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan. (2) Enemy situation (a) Dispositions. The enemy is located in the vast western and eastern parts of country where people have undergone through serious problems. (b) Composition. Target enemies are youthful and are recruited by command generals. The enemy uses small rocket launchers and small arms, indicating their non- sophisticated type of operations. Adversary capabilities cannot significantly delay successful execution of our military operations due to our forces’ good training and weaponry and the adversary’s unconventional warf are tactics. (c) Strength. The target enemy is large in numbers with almost half a million dedicated rebels. The enemy is divided into units both to the eastern and western parts of the country as independent units. The overall command is by the general. The enemy has no sophisticated artillery but is said to use torture as part of their tactics on their perceived enemies. The enemy also has special capabilities such as air defense and anti-tank equipments but uses unconventional warfare, but is non-sophisticated in terms of surveillance or combat. (d) Recent and present significant activities. Intelligence shows that the target enemy terrorizes local communities and uses random attacks. The target enemy also sporadically attacks police and military camps. Adversaries have taken responsibility of attacks on local churches and schools. The target enemy’s weakness is the hostility they get from the local population. Our joint operational planning with the GOC provides framework for the functional operations (Vego XG-123) and if it goes well, it has the potential of being successful and perceived in good light by the local civilian population. The enemy has unconventional weapons and tactics. The enemy intelligence collection techniques are poor as they depend on informers from friendly governments and local informants and so, we can beat the enemy through sophisticated intelligence network on their movements and their strategic installations and points (Vego 15). (3) Our own situation courses of action Our combat force and power in terms of equipment and intelligence gives us some advantage over the target enemy, but caution must be taken against air strikes to avoid civilian causalities. COA 1. Combat may include strikes from sea but this is not feasible as Azerbaijan is landlocked and such action would require a lot of logistical support from neighboring countries and in so doing, the rebels may see these neighboring countries as their enemies. This has serious consequences in terms of regional peace and stability. COA 2. The main combat will be attack by land to the enemy’s strategic installations and command centers. We will also use defense, especially where the civilian population is involved to avoid civilian casualties. We must accomplish the mission without undue damage to the command and operation. Attacks will be offensive day and night. Command

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizational Change Applications Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational Change Applications Paper - Essay Example Amazon, with its advanced Information Technology, is required to give all the required books to its customers at its library. But brining change is not that easy job and most important part of this is to critically evaluate the Change Process or the Change Control (CC). This is the process used by a company to implement its desired and required changes in it. And also controlling the environmental impacts of this change within and outside of the company. This research paper will cover up almost all the basic concepts of Change and also cover up all the steps involved in Change Control and Procedures. This method will be applied to Amazon, the number one internet company, that have the best internet online library for its readers. With the help of suspicious procedure and planning, it is possible to reduce risks associated with changes thereby minimizing the likelihood of detrimental impacts on business operations(5 measure to minimize risk). Organization Change Management The definit ion of Change Management Change Management is defined as the process of controlling IT service changes in a manner that assures minimal disruption in service delivery and minimal degradation in service quality (Rigby, 2001). Change Control Process for Amazon Instantly changing IT requirement that is to be applied in libraries, is impacting a change in the online academic libraries, like Amazon, Google, Hawlett-Packard etc. A change is something that is completely unavoidable and it is one of the most adopted facts of life. To be changed, is a matter of human nature and the need of time in order to provide defined Service Level to the users and give them ultimate satisfaction. Amazon, with its advanced Information Technology, is required to give all the required books to its customers at its library (How to Make Better Decisions). To bring change, is to bring betterment and advancement for the maximize availability of products. But, at Amazon, we will maintain our standard along and with the adoption of new enabling technologies for our clients, whose mostly are students. Although this change will help us grow our business and bring positive feedback to us but, we surely will maintain a high level of internal security of the company (Amazon, 2012). Amazon – The introduction and need for change Amazon is a big name in the sale of books and stuff online, it is one of the most popular internet companies that was come into being in 1994 in Scattle, USA. at the time, it has more than 20 thousand people working with it and serveing the client with its online shopping and free shipment service. it has a braod range of offered products. Amazaon allows its users to give feedback at their portal that helps in brining change within the organization (Amazon, 2012). Mission of company ‘To leverage technology and the expertise of our invaluable employees to provide our customers with the best shopping experience on the Internet’ (, 2012). Vision of company ‘To be earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online’ (, 2012). Objective of company ‘Not to discount a small number of products for a limited period of time, but to offer low prices everyday and apply them broadly across our entire product range.’ (, 2012). Activities contribute in change management Five different activities are involved in change management that affects it on a larger level. These activities help a

Discussion on Genetic Engineering Research Paper

Discussion on Genetic Engineering - Research Paper Example ). GE is emerging as the most rapidly progressing branch of biology and manipulation of genes is becoming a routine act or play. GE works because conservation of genes is observed throughout the evolution. GE encompasses insertion of a particular genetic sequence isolated from any species into some different animal or plant or bacteria and hence monitoring the expression of the genetic sequence. Advances in technology has generated ease in the manipulation of genetics of the organisms and hence the gene manipulation by means of genetic engineering is paving its way in every aspect of human endeavour. Through genetic engineering, human genes are inserted into sheep, the motive of this insertion is to secrete alpha-1 antitrypsin in the milk, a useful product to treat lung disease. On the other hand with the help of genetic engineering, four legged chickens, without wings were created (Genetic Engineering: What is genetic Engineering?). This implies that genetic engineering has empowere d humans to modify the very existence of natural forms of life i.e. animals, plants or humans on earth. GE has allowed the expression of genes from different group of animals namely fish, mouse, human, insect or plants in one organism, violating the laws of nature. Ethically it is unacceptable to alter the natural forms of life. ... of human existence, may it be in the form of genetically engineered food products, genetically engineered fruits, genetically modified vegetables, bakery items, genetically modified animals to yield high quantity of milk and dairy items, genetically modified poultry animals, genetic engineering has now paved its way in cosmetics, wearable, treatment of diseases, manufacturing industrial products that are designed to enhance the production, GE is engrossing every parameter of human existence which one can think of, manipulation of genes can be performed with the skill, knowledge and precise technology to fulfil the desire of the imagination (50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods). As genetic engineering is moving at much faster pace and establishing new paradigms rapidly it is essential to have a check on the basis of ethical considerations to prevent the permanent loss of identities of natural life forms. There is a certain set parameters in moral philosophy which inv olves, regulating the right behaviour, defending the appropriate conduct and advocating the concept of understanding to discriminate between right and wrong. Based on this issue ethical theories are categorized into metaethics- dealing with religion, normative ethics- deals with practical task based on moral values to discriminate between correct and incorrect involves virtue theories, duty theories, consequentialist theories (Types of Utilitarianism and Ethical Egoism and Social Contract Theory); applied ethics encompass explicit controversial issues encompassing, environmental issues, abortion etc (Ethics). In Genetic Engineering, virtue ethics find wider application, provides a lesser amount of prominence on learning rules and emphasise on developing better approach based on morals as

Friday, July 26, 2019

Atypical Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Atypical Development - Essay Example Grandin claims that her science teacher in the special education centre motivated her a lot thus helping her develop her area of strength. One of the many important things mentioned by Grandin is that there are myriad misconceptions related to autism. People think that a child suffering from autism is unable of doing any good to his/her life, which is a pure misapprehension. Grandin proved this belief to be groundless by achieving big feats in her life by writing valuable books related to autism. Any developmental psychologist or parent can benefit a lot from Grandin’s interview for building up the abilities of a child with autism. Grandin claims that autism does not mar the capabilities of an individual rather the visual thinking skills of a child with autism can be used for designing. Artistic minds tend to be less social and there should be a teacher working with the children with autism to teach them social interaction in an order to keep their minds connected to the outer world. The parents can build on their child’s thinking and social abilities by restraining from letting him/her watch television all day long. Rather, they should try teaching him/her basic concepts of language and ways to interact with people. Reference: (2006). A Conversation with Temple Grandin.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Greek civilization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Greek civilization - Assignment Example This quote demystifies knowledge and education (Plato, 31). He argues for discernment and states that only sober individuals and states are capable of making sound decisions and laws; and this cannot be done without the training and knowledge of important virtues such as courage, discernment, temperance among others. Plato gives importance to education. The author of this quote is Antigone when she was defending her brother against the state law (Takemura, 5). This quote means that Antigone was not intimidated by the law of the state. She gives too much significance to the Natural law that she went against the law of the state to bury her brother. The writer of this quote is one member from the Athenian delegation. He was justifying the Athenian authority over the Melians who refused to submit to the Athenians’ authority (Greene, 164). This quote implies that the Athenians were so autocratic and powerful that they believed since they knew their gods, their actions to rule over the Mediterranean Sea were justified because they derive the laws from the gods. According Engel (91), this quote is said by Plato who was having a conversation with Meletus, his friend. It implies that Plato, who is Athenian, did not believe in any god. However, he denies it in the quote and claims that he believes in a god. The author of this quote is Thucydides who was a historian of ancient Greece. He was analyzing the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta (Allen). His quote implies that his work was lengthy and the best that he could write not just like a mere essay but had meaning. He did not write it to be appreciated but his writing would be used in a literary manner. Athenians said this quote during the time of Peloponnesian War (Doyle, 61). This quote displays their confidence and power and the fact that they have dominated the Mediterranean Sea for long. It shows that Athenians were very proud to give in their power and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Applied Logic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Applied Logic - Assignment Example This is because the individual who utilizes their free will do not necessary need constructed law for them to act responsible. In supporting this, we can argue that individual with free will are self-determined and accountability of their actions. This people also are capable of overcoming outside force hence enabling them to valid reasoning. For that reason, we can say free will is essential at helping us comprehend that we are in control of choice we made in life and thus our destiny. Hence, individual must be capable of thinking free and decide free without being constrained by certain external factors. Human beings have the capability of thinking free and decide free compared to other animal (Lynch pg. 132). Besides this, and individuals can claim accountability for their actions, and this makes human uniqueness. Hence, free will are much interrelated with applied logic as free will is the foundation of applied logic as it helps individuals to be self-determined and accountability of their actions. The concept of reality has been controversial since the times of great philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle particularly due to the continuous dominance of perceptions in the reasoning process as individuals strive to identify and understand what is real. Reality can be defined as the totality of all things including events, both observable and non-observable phenomena as well as actual and conceptual structures (Simon 01). In deliberating ontological matters, analytical philosophers circumvent the use of the term â€Å"real† since there is an overall argument that reality is what one can get away with, and it is significantly influenced by our perception. Simply put, it is what the world vision endeavors to map, whether based on personal or communal human experience. In lieu of this, there is no objective reality; it is subject to personal interpretation since our cultural and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Throughput Accounting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Throughput Accounting - Research Paper Example costing methods, Activity Based Costing (ABC), however a little amount of concentration has been provided towards the constraints and problems being faced by organizations. History has witnessed that the performance of organizations is largely challenged by the constraints and these are the factors that have really potential to influence the performance of the organizations. Thanks to the theory of throughput accounting that has largely focused to constraints being faced by organizations. Constraints could be a policy, a material constraint, time constraint and so on. By focusing on the different aspects of cost and performance of organizations, throughput accounting has become successful in attracting the attention of number of multinational organizations. In the subsequent parts of this paper, first theory of throughput accounting is defined and its basic foundations have also been discussed. Subsequent to that, steps involved in throughput accounting have also been elaborated and it is followed by the part comprising of the inherent limitations being faced by this concept. Before the summary part, analysis portion has been included. Hutchinson (2007) defines throughput as the rate at which the system generates money through sales (48). And throughput accounting has been defined as the sales price minus all variable costs (Noreen et al. 1995). And others define throughput as sale prices minus material cost. And, the concept of throughput accounting based on two components: First, every system must have at least one constraint (Rahman, 1998, p. 337). If it were not accurate, then a real system as a profit making organization would make uncountable profits. As a result, a constraint is anything limiting a system from achieving higher level of performance versus its objectives (Glodratt, 1988, p.453). Second, the presence of constraints provides opportunities for improvement (Rahman, 1988, p.337). Contrary to the conventional thinking, the concept of throughput

Monday, July 22, 2019

Junior High School Essay Example for Free

Junior High School Essay The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior high school, and two years of Senior high school) to provide sufficient time for tmastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare garduaes for the tertiary education, middle-levels skills development, employment, and entreprenuership. The K+12 educational program is perceived by the Aquino administration as the long term solution to poverty. This program aims to give every student a quality education that will make them globally competitive. This will be done by decongesting the curricilum and using quality materials for learning such as textbooks. Aside from this, high quality teacher will be given priority. High standards will also be set in Mathematics, English and Science in all levels. Thus eliminating the perception the highschool education is preparatory for college. ISSUES AND CONCERNS One of the major campaign platform of Pres. Aquino is the K to 12 educational program and it is also one of the most controversial initiatives. On May 15, President Aquino signed into law the program mandating Filipino pupils to attend kindergarten, six years of elementary school education, four years of junior high school and two years of senior high school. The signing officially ended the country’s 10-year basic education cycle, which now exists only in Angola and Djibouti. K to 12 hopes to decongest the curriculum, by spreading lessons over 12 years, instead of cramming them into 10. K to 12 hopes to do away with college remedial classes, by improving the quality of high-school instruction. K to 12 hopes to protect the rights of Filipino children who, at 18, are legally and emotionally still kids, unprepared for work or university.. Some problems that abound with K to 12: Lack of family, school, government resources; the herculean task of implementation; the need to address more urgent concerns such as early and massive dropouts. Many schools are currently not ready for Grades 11 and 12. Aside from lack of classrooms, their teachers are not trained to handle higher-level subjects, like calculus for students who want to major in the sciences in university. K to 12 would be far more difficult to implement in already overcrowded and poorly equipped public schools, where many teachers are insufficiently trained, classes are often held in multiple shifts and most students struggle to make ends meet. The biggest problem of K to 12 has always been, and will always be, the cost. Even if public education is free, families have to spend for transportation and supplies. An additional two years is a burden for most Filipino families, who want their children to finish school quickly so they can work.

Compare and Contrast Presentation Outline Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast Presentation Outline Essay While spending time thinking about the goal in my life, the only one answer coming up in my mind is to achieve success. But what exactly the word ‘success’ should be defined? Thinking considerably, there are at least two fundamental achievements in life that inspire people. One is to be rich, while another one is to be famous. Though these two words are somehow closely related if you think about the celebrities who are famous and rich at the same time, there are some others who only have high recognition but not rich, such as Mother Teresa who devoted her whole life doing charity for the poor. Therefore, the topic that I am really interested in is about whether to be rich or to be famous is the key word for success. Being famous does not necessary mean bring rich, and vice-versa. Both generally bring satisfaction if brought to one in a positive manner, or in a way he/she intended it to. Because being famous and being rich are both signs leading to success, which in most cases, is the human’s ultimate goal. Being just either rich or famous, other than being a positive thing, could produce highly negative and unwanted end results too. A huge percentage of people are famous as a result of all sorts of negativity, such as criminal acts and negative politics. At the same time, a good part of the world’s drug lords and terrorism-driven groups are fairly rich too. So when does being rich or famous become a good thing? Usually, a combination of being rich and famous, surprisingly, doesn’t do as much harm to coexisting peers, as the former would. Although criminals who fall under lists such as ‘FBI’s Most Wanted’, turn out to be rich and famous, regardless of how they got to where they are. But a bigger portion of the ‘rich and famous’ category are occupied by highly paid movie stars and sportsmen, neither of whom does much harm to the society. What I expect from contrasting their difference is that the readers will realize being famous is the sustainable way to achieve success rather than being rich. In other words, money cannot be used to buy the fame. Though being rich is another sign of success, without being famous, one can be forgotten easily. On the other hand, being famous is eternally recognized by people. Even if they died, the world still praise and remind of their accomplishments. By standing on this opinion, people will not just look forward to making money, but will try themselves on inventing new things, creating beautiful arts, and doing whatever they are interested to become well-known by others and then succeed in their lives. The key word to success should start from being famous and will prove that it is true by giving examples about people who were quite poor but famous and successful in their lives. The contrast presentation will be controlled differently in each slide depending on famous area of those people. As a result, this presentation is worthy to compose because it will be such a good lesson to teach everyone, including myself, to understand the regular basis of being successful in life. Trying to be famous is the first step to achieve sustainable success.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Haber-Bosch Process Alternatives

Haber-Bosch Process Alternatives â€Å"Should resources be invested in searching for an alternative to the Haber-Bosch process†. Introduction: Ammonia’s ongoing consumption in the world is startling. The production of ammonia (NH3) was the turn of the 20th century, a startling breakthrough in organic chemistry for the world to stand in astonishment. Two scientist; Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, made this breakthrough through the chemical procedure called the: ‘Haber-Bosch Process,’ (N2+ 3 H2→ 2 NH3.) However they weren’t the first to try the synthesis of ammonia from its elements (, 1920.) prior to the discovery of synthetic ammonia and long before the commercial application of it, early farmers knew that certain properties of carbon based by-products which led to: human waste being scattered in Chinese farmlands, grinding of skeletons in Europe and the exploitation of Peru’s readily-available guano, due to its natural nitrogenous compounds, and the discovery of Nitrogen Fixation Processes (, 2012.) The need for Ammonia was directly related to the worldâ₠¬â„¢s survival, the fixed nitrogen from the air is an incredible and needed ingredient for fertilizing. Many principles of chemical and high—pressure processes were discovered and expended for the optimisation of the known nitrogen fixation process. Industries in the 19th and 20th century saw the ongoing need for nitrogen and turned to their already in use factories for producing coal to use the by-product of coking, ammonia sulphate. This along with the previously mentioned methods was how ammonia was produced pre-Haber-Bosch Process. From these early discoveries evidence can be seen as to why the Haber Bosch process is the best way of producing ammonia for the growing world. Two more scientists by the name of Priestly and Cavendish used electrical sparks in the air to produce nitrates, done by dissolving the oxides of nitrogen to form alkalis. Nitrogen Fixation, fixating Nitration as calcium cynamide proved evasive for commercial use, but later proved useful for the produc tion of chemicals requiring the cynamide configuration. There were numerous other process ect. Thermal Processing, cyanide formation, aluminium nitride formation and the slow process of decomposing to ammonia were deemed to elusive for sustainability due to the scarce amount of chemical components for the organic production to be made, resulting in to high of cost. With Habers-Bosch large-scale catalytic synthesis of ammonia from elemental hydrogen and nitrogen gas which had reactants that were inexpensive (Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Iron as a catalyst.) Using high pressure (~5000c) alongside high pressure (~150-200 atm), the process involved forcing almost completely unreactive gaseous nitrogen and hydrogen to have the product of Ammonia. This high-energy process has undergone extensive modifications in the 21st century which goes on to prove that resources should not be devoted in the search for an alternative to the currently used Haber-Bosch process because the structure of the proc ess is the most balanced of the mentioned processes of making ammonia even in the 21st century with a need of 150 million metric tonnes of ammonia (Chemical and Engineering News, 1996); 80% of which is used in agriculture where 48% of the resulting produce is responsible for the world’s ongoing consumption, however there are a few methods that give an idea for very good alternatives that could replace Haber-Bosch, but would not be as efficient. Discussion on Methods: What has made the Haber Bosch process so great is its low cost and readily available materials as seen in this method, this however has been as previously mentioned modified many times since Haber’s work: Ammonia synthesis from nitrogen and hydrogen, a reversible reaction is as follows: (1) And the equilibrium constant is (2) (, 2012) From our understanding of organic chemistry we can see that production of ammonia is a exothermic reaction with a exponential amount of heat released. As previously mentioned the reaction is reversible, the forward reaction being ammonia synthesis, and the reverse reaction being ammonia decomposition. The decrease of the volume derives from the decrease in the number of moles of gas from the equations, two and one. With the use of Le Chatelier’s Principle (See appendix one), from this it can be seen that by increasing the pressure in the reaction causes the equilibrium to shift to the right resulting in a higher yield of ammonia produce since there is a pressure drop accompanying the transformation; the decrease in the temperature then also causes the equilibrium position to move to the right again resulting in a higher yield of ammonia since the reaction is exothermic as previously mentioned. Figures 1A and B show the effect of temperature and pressure on the equilibrium mole fraction of ammonia. It can be seen that the ammonia mole fraction decreases as the temperature increased just as the pressure increases. Figure one. (A is the mole fraction of ammonia in the state of equilibrium at varying temperatures to result in a given value of pressure. B is difference pressures at fixed values of temperature in Kelvin, data supplied by Temperature (K) Pressure (Atm) The conclusion then that ammonia synthesis according to the first equation is an equilibrium reaction that is favoured by low temperature and high pressure which. The reaction does not proceed at ambient temperature because nitrogen requires a lot of activation energy for the dissociation to happen ( In the gas phase of the reaction, the dissociation occurs only at around 3000 °C ( Looking at the hydrogen molecule in the reaction, which has a weaker molecular bond, only dissociates markedly happened at temperatures above ~1000 °C (, 2012). Which shows that the reaction cannot be performed at lower temperature because it needs high activation energy to happen, if there was an increase in the temperature with a enough level, the reverse reaction predominates (www., 2010). This is where scientist decided to have the role of the iron catalyst come in. Figure two below shows the energy profiles for ammonia synthesis in the absence and presence of the catalyst. The hydrogen and nitrogen molecules lose their translational ability to be bound to the catalyst surface. This reduces the activation energy dramatically and makes the forward reaction go faster, which makes sense to us because catalyst can’t do nothing else but speed the reaction up. Other minor components of the catalyst includecalciumandaluminium oxides, which are there to support the absorbent iron catalyst and help it maintain its surface area over time, andpotassium, which increases theelectrondensity of the catalyst and so improves its activity (, 2012). This means that scientist can rid the need for extremely high temperature conditions, a problem Haber encounted while trying to find commercial success. Something for us to know it the use of lower temperature reaction conditions means there is limited reverse reaction which is energy saving as well, this reinforces the idea of the Haber-Bosch Process being the bes t there is. For industrial use however, there is still a need for reasonably high temperatures (250–400 °C) to dissociate the N2 and H2. (Figure two, the effect of catalyst on the activation energy). Supplied by Now that we know the advantages of the current Haber – Bosch Process, we can look into how carbon-free ammonia comes into the world. Licht wrote a paper on the two current chemical reactions that are now used most widely in ammonia synthesis: CH4+ 2H2O→4H2+ CO2 N2+ 3H2→2NH3 These won’t be explained because they already have previously. 3CH4+ 6H2O +4 N2→ 3CO2+8NH3 Licht wrote of a proposal for the use of ammonia as a fuel for automobiles. Although Licht did not specify the products of the ammonia oxidation, it looked into the possibility that this fuel cell might prove reversible in the case where a product was nitrogen gas, which looks into the fixation of Nitrogen, an electrochemical path to ammonia. However scientist need to overcome the extreme stability of the nitrogen-nitrogen bond in N2gas, nitrogen fixation always requires the need of gas with a metal (, 2012), which in biological systems the metal in question is molybdenum (as well as the used iron as the catalyst), making molybdenum, along with iodine, the only elements in the periodic table that are essential to this project.Haber he speculated that there was a better catalyst, uranium which we will look at later. A metal catalyst is required in the electrochemical process as stated, in this process the catalyst is iron, but in this case it is necessary that the iron, present as an oxide in the process, be in the form of nanoparticles suspended in molten alkali hydroxides, where future research can be done on the use of other molten oxides, notably, cesium hydroxide, which may prove superior however the variables in the process with respect to temperature, operating voltage, current and the physical nature electrodes will also need to be detailed in research before this can happen. (,2012). For this processto happen a eutectic melting mixture of KOH and NaOH, potassium and sodium hydroxides respectively; the authors explored also the use of other molten oxides, notably, cesium hydroxide, which may prove as a better source for the process. These hydroxides are only molten at higher temperatures, and steam and air or pure nitrogen gas are bubbled through the molten hydroxide s ( in the case of air, carbon dioxide, meaning that with the removal of this gas from the air would be a side benefit of the process, a benefit to the Haber-Bosch process.)The precise stoichiometry of the reaction varies with the conditions, but one form of reaction mentioned by the authors, this done through a controlled environment, is this: N2+ 10H2O → 2NH3+ 5O2+ 7H2 Both pure oxygen and hydrogen are important to the reaction, and goes to show that the reaction offers many potential synergies for the benefit of the scientist. The gases on the right side are not produced as an explosive mixture, because ammonia and hydrogen are formed on one side of the cell, at the cathode, whereas the oxygen is formed at the anode ( mixture of cathodic gases, ammonia and hydrogen in the reaction, are easily separated by compression as Lecht found. The overall electrochemical efficiency is quite high compared to other attempts at the electrochemical reduction of nitrogen to ammonia gas, which is around 46%, an efficiency that may well be competitive with Haber-Bosch process ammonia synthesis, however this does not include the heat penalty associated with melting the alkali metal hydroxides and keeping them molten which is the reason nitrogen fixation was proved a commercial disaster when Haber was working, where 38% of the land would be needed and the cost being severely higher, Haber’s process uses only 14% of the land to produce ammonia. What else could aid in the Haber-Bosches super process? A better catalyst. Haber sought for a better catalyst in the 20th century with investigations into uranium. With an understanding of the activity of the key component of the Haber-Bosch process which is the catalyst, could help to better the industrial nitrogen fixation still further from what we previously discussed and remove the need for high temperatures and pressures. Ruthenium, osmium, uranium and cobalt-molybdenum can all catalyse the Haber-Bosch process (, 2012), but iron catalysts are cheap. It’s the most commonly used catalyst which was developed more than a century ago and is a potassium-doped iron catalyst. A soluble version of such a catalyst might be even more efficient because it could overcome the rate-limiting step of nitrogen dissociation from a solid catalyst surface, which was demonstrated before. Scientist have found that soluble iron catalysts have proven ineffective for the process in its need to be reducing the N-N triple bond as seen in figure three and also cannot produce large amounts of ammonia for commercial use. Germany has developed a molecular iron complex that can react with (Figure three, The N-N Triple bond, a problem that persist in the formation of an improved haber-bosch process). nitrogen gas in the presence of a potassium reducing agent to generate a complex containing two nitrides bound to the iron and potassium cations which contain a mixed iron (2+/3+) nitride.Germany suggests that the formation of this developed core structure has three iron atoms working together to break the dinitrogen triple bond through a six-electron reduction (, 2014). The resulting nitride of the reaction then reacts with hydrogen gas to generate a high yield of the product ammonia. Unfortunately, this process leads to the use of the iron and so is not catalytic, a problem for the process as it reduces the yield on ammonia because with an absence of a catalyst the reaction is so slow that virtually no reaction happens in a reasonable time (, 2012). The catalyst ensures that the reaction is fast enough for a dynamic equilibrium to be set up within the very short time that the gases are actually in the reactor. Germany’s work on the core provides i mportant clues as to precisely how nitrogen cleavage and N-H bond formation occurs, which might allow them to build a complex that does work catalytically in solution, something that can be further investigated in the future. This is great because it means the Haber-Bosch Process can be simplified and eventually bring a greater yield of product, seeing the growth of ammonia grow in the world. Conclusion: Through economic situations, the Haber-Bosch Process is the most essential to the world, however it’s also the most relevant in terms of the future. Nitrogen Fixation as we looked at can potentially be a competitor to the Haber-Boch Process, due to it’s overall electrochemical efficiency which as stated is quite high in comparison to other attempts at the electrochemical reduction of nitrogen to ammonia gas, it is around 46%, an efficiency that may well be competitive with Haber-Bosch process ammonia synthesis. Unfortunately there is no process being studied in thermodynamics to reduce the heat loss from the process, states that â€Å"A 46% increase is substantial for the future of Ammonia production, but heat loss is an issue for it that so far, can’t be reduced with what we know today†. The next thing we looked at was the catalyst in the current Haber-Bosch Process. Haber dwelled into Uranium but backed out of the idea because of the money, however with the advance we discussed in the study on catalytic effects it’s clear and hypothesises that there is a high possibility that in the future Ruthenium, osmium, uranium and cobalt-molybdenum can all be used in the synthesis of ammonia with a high yield in produce, which is being investigated currently. Advances in the Haber-Bosch Process are our best approach for the future, scientifically and economically, that is until thermodynamics are better understood. Appendix Summary of Le Chatelier’s Principle by (1) If the concentration of a reactant is increased, the equilibrium position shifts to use up the added reactants by producing more products. (2) For gaseous reactions, gas pressure is related to the number of gas particles in the system; more gas particles means more gas pressure. Consider a reaction which is accompanied by decrease in number of moles, such as, ammonia synthesis (equation one). Increasing the pressure on this equilibrium system will result in the equilibrium position shifting to reduce the pressure, that is, to the side that has the least number of gas particles. (3) In an endothermic reaction, energy can be considered as a reactant of the reaction while in an exothermic reaction, energy can be considered as a product of the reaction. Consider an exothermic reaction which is accompanied by release of heat, such as ammonia synthesis (equation one). Reducing the temperature of this equilibrium system (which result in taking the heat away) will result in the equilibrium position shifting to increase the temperature (producing more heat), that is, to shift the equilibrium position to the right.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Emotions of Captivity in Psalm 137 Essay -- expressing anger, lame

The book of Psalms contains some of the most beloved pieces of scripture across centuries and cultures of this world. Psalms have been frequently cited is sermons, devotionals, movies, poetry, and songs. Most often, Psalms are attributed to King David of the 10th century BCE. But regardless of the authorship of the different psalms, each seem to carry a special place in describing human relationships to God, to country, to friends, to enemies and more. As time has progressed, certain psalms have become favorites because of their encouraging and uplifting messages, such as the timeless Psalm 23. However, other psalms are neglected in Christian circles because of the difficulty they present in interpretation. Often, these psalms are overlooked because of their themes of apparent anger, resentment, or wrath. These psalms are not as frequently preached on or discussed, despite the fact that many believers would readily quote 2 Tim 3:16, â€Å"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,† (NIV). What then must the believer say about these difficult psalms? Psalm 137 is one of a selection of psalms that is frequently difficult to discuss because of its content. The pericope begins with what may appear as a lament like any other in the book, but ends with horrifying imagery of a desired revenge. How does a believer give the proper respect due to the holy Scriptures among such vitriolic language? This paper will assert that proper interpretation of the following pericope involves careful attention to the historical and cultural background, structure, genre, and language of the written text. By... ...mans, 2000. McCann, J. Clinton. The Book of Psalms, The New Interpreter’s Bible. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1996. Ogden, Graham S. â€Å"Prophetic Oracles Against Foreign Nations and Psalms of Communal Lament: The Relationship of Psalm 137 to Jeremiah 49:7-22 and Obadiah.† Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 24 (1982): 87-97. Rodd, Cyril S. Psalms 73-150, Epworth Preacher’s Commentary. London: The Epworth Press, 1964. Savran, George. â€Å"How Can We Sing a Song to the Lord? The Strategy of Lament in Psalm 137.† Zeitschrift fà ¼r die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 112 (2000): 43-58. Schwartz, Stephen. â€Å"On the Willows,† in Godspell—A Musical Based Upon the Gospel According to St. Mathew. New York, NY: Arista Records, 1974. Youngblood, Ronald F., F. F. Bruce, and R. K. Harrison. Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Writing Techniques in Poes The Raven Essay -- Poe Raven Essays

Writing Techniques in Poe's "The Raven"    Edgar Allan Poe uses several writing techniques to create a single concentrated effect of unending despair in his classic poem, "The Raven." The most noticeable technique is the use of repetition. Just as repeated exposure to cold raindrops can chill one to the bone, repeated exposure to words of hopelessness and gloom creates a chilling effect. Poe saturates the reader with desperate futility by repetitive use of the words "nothing more" and "nevermore." These two phrases, used in refrain to end seventeen of the poem's eighteen stanzas, drench the reader with melancholy. Poe also uses repetition to spark the reader's curiosity. He refers to the sound of rapping or tapping eight times in the first six stanzas. The unexplained repetitive sound helps the reader identify with the search for answers that the speaker is experiencing. Poe makes use of repetition to emphasize feeling with the words, "'Surely,' said I, 'surely that is something at my window lattice'" (33). Repeating the word "surely" adds a sense of desperation concerning the search.   Poe uses a gothic setting to create an atmosphere of gloom. The time is described as "a midnight dreary" (1) in "the bleak December" (7). The supernatural is referred to through the words "ghost" (8), "angels" (11, 81, 95), "Plutonian" (47), "soul" (19, 56, 93, 99,107), "ominous" (70), "unseen censer" (79), "prophet" (85, 91), "thing of evil" (85, 91), "devil" (85, 91), and "demon" (105). The time of night and the inhospitable weather outside allow no escape from the speaker's chamber which becomes a chamber of horror.   Contrast intensifies the sense of gloom. The windy, bleak, December night is contrasted to a room full of books, ric... ...anguage and a memorable singular effect. Poe's use of the first person perspective combines with vivid details of sight and sound to form a powerful connection between the speaker and the reader. Poe shows how the sounds of words can be used to suggest more than their actual meaning. The poem displays the impact of setting on a character and reveals the use of contrast as a tool to magnify descriptions. "The Raven" demonstrates how the effect of rhythm and repetition can be as hypnotic as the swinging of a pendulum and as chilling as a cold rain. "The Raven" is a poem better experienced than interpreted. Poe's words go down like an opiate elixir inducing a fascinating, hypnotic effect.   Works Cited Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Raven." The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Eds. Nina Baym, et. al. 4th ed. New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1995: 648-51.  

Light, Darkness, and Idolatry in The Damnation of Theron Ware :: Essays Papers

Light, Darkness, and Idolatry in The Damnation of Theron Ware In the first chapter of The Damnation of Theron Ware, Harold Frederic describes in tedious detail every sight, sound, and structure comprising the annual Nedahma Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Using images that evoke Dante's Empyrean or "Tenth Heaven" (Cantos XXX-XXXIII of Paradiso), Frederic remarks upon the hierarchical alignment of the clergy in attendance as well as the tendency of every eye present at the conference to be fixed upon a common objective point. Here Dante's and Frederic's versions of "the saved" diverge. Frederic's Methodists gaze not at an all-encompassing, all-penetrating light, but at a Bishop whose vision fails him as he reads through a list of minister's assignments for the coming year. The difference here, as distinct as the light Dante sees, begins Frederic's meditation on a major and seemingly unanswerable question in the novel. With Theron as his guinea pig, Frederic systematically poses the question of where truth originates. The locus of a ttention of the entire assembly at Tecumseh proclaims nothing of overwhelming truth or even permanence. "The light," on the other hand, originates "...from numerous tin-lined circles of flaring gas-jets arranged on the ceiling..." (Frederic 1). This light transcends and shines down upon the entire group. Here Frederic sets up the notion that truth comes not from one particular point but from several, some of which we might not be able to see. Dante, remarking on his final vision of the "Eternal Light," says, "In its profundity I saw--ingathered / and bound by love into one single volume-- / what, in the universe, seems separate, scattered..." (Paradiso XXXIII, 85-87). Setting aside obvious colloquial, linguistic, and stylistic differences which account for the six-hundred years which separate these two authors, the above quotation bears striking resemblance to the words of another seemingly enlightened character, Father Forbes. He states, in his first conversation of length with Theron: "So the truth remains always the truth, even though you give a charter to ten hundred thousand separate numskulls to examine it by the light of their private judgment, and report that it is as many different varieties of something else" (Frederic 70). This assertion that the truth exists beyond the realm of earthly understanding is echoed in Father Forbes' final words to Theron, which reverberate like the sound of the door slammed in the minister's face: "The truth is always relative, Mr. Ware..." (Frederic 326).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Internet: Sociology and People Essay

Internet Internet has become a big part of our life these days because of the many things that we can get from it from the latest news and research findings to self- expression. We also get to learn about the latest trends in our profession and instantly become fashion chic. It also updates us of our favorite basketball tea, and thespians. Truly, it becomes a great help in the workplace, education, entertainment, health care, and communication. However, the Internet has also served as a venue for the infringement of copyright. Everyone has the access to information which makes it almost impossible to protect copyright. This for of piracy is really widespread on the web. Aside from this, the proliferation of pornographic materials is undeniably one of the alarming things that has brought about by the Internet. It does not only corrupt the minds of the young people that are exposed to them but also it paves the way for the degradation of human dignity. It also strains the moral make up of society. The Internet also alienates the person from his social self. While most think that talking to loved ones through the computer screens allows or offers the same satisfaction of social needs just like engaging in conversations personally, there really is a big difference between the virtual self and the social self. This could further lead to addiction which could hamper a person’s way of living and those who are directly in contact with him. The Internet was intended to be used for military purposes. However, due to its versatility and applicability, we have it as how it is used today. It exists as our friend when used properly and our foe when misused. THE INFLUENCE OF THE INTERNET ON PEOPLE’S SOCIAL AND PSYCHOL Uploaded by nikolovska1 (149) on Jul 8, 2007 THE INFLUENCE OF THE INTERNET ON PEOPLE’S SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL REALITIES The influence of the Internet has caused a change in the way we communicate, learn and shop. The Internet is probably most famous for the ability to spread information, fact or fiction. We were once limited to news editors of a local paper, then to national cable news. Now anyone can search the globe, visit local papers in foreign countries, and see the views of all sides. This ease of information has also brought with it a large amount of hoaxes, money schemes, and fallacies. There is no question that easy access to the Internet, like the introduction of mail service and the invention of the telephone, has changed the nature of people’s connection to others in their social world. Mail made possible connections among people without physical proximity, and the telephone facilitated communication among distant people, making rapid connections possible across long distancies. But has this communication revolution changed the pure nature of interpersonal and group processes? On the one hand, since the primary use of the Internet is communication, some people might speculate that the Internet will have positive social consequences in people’s everyday lives because it increases the frequency and quality of interpersonal communications among people. People with easy access to others would feel better connected and more strongly supported by others, leading to happiness and engagement in families, organizations, communities, and society more generally. But, on the other hand, the ease of electronic communication may lead to weaker social ties, because people have less reason to leave their homes and actually interact face to face with other people. The Internet allows people to more easily work from their home, to form and sustain friendships and even romantic attacments from their home, to bank from their home, to vote and engage in political and soci al issue based discussions with others (from home). In this variety of ways, Internet communications can potentially displace face-to-face communications. I think this point is important because psychologists in many researches have described and proved such face to face and telephone connections as being of higher quality, when viewed in terms of their contribution to satisfaction and well-being. Reading a seriees of longitudinal and experimental studies (e.x. McKenna, Green, and Gleason), who test a theory of relationship formation on the Internet, these researchers directly adress the argument that the psychological quality of Internet social interaction is lower than is the psychological quality of traditional face-to-face interaction. Consider my own use. I’ve received several e-mail messages in the past hour. My boyfriend confirms the dinner for tonight. Even though it is weekend, my coleagues send me questions about the pending exam expects a quick answer. So does some graduate student from Europe, that I recently met on â€Å"MySpace† with an urgent request for a letter of recommendation. My friend Ksenija sends me an IM to tell me the latest news about her new love. And so on and so on†¦ I assume that I am also living a virtual life, and what’s the most interesting of all, all of my friends online, are also my friends in real life. And if they weren’t that in the past, I somehow managed to bring my cyber friends into my real life, so I could here in my real life enable real communication, real face-to-face â€Å"talks†, real exchange of emotions, feeligs of happiness, satisfaction and well-being. I’d say for me, the Internet is a great new way for doing old things. So, what else conclusion can I bring except the one that Internet life cannot stand on itself without real-life communication. It is simple: If we understand the qualities of face-to-face communication that influence the impact of su ch communication on people and their social interaction, we would be able to predict the probable influence of any new communication technology. However, researchers show that people sooner or later convert their cyber contacts into more traditional face-to-face, the same as I do. People use the Internet, in other words to help them achieve their real-life goals. And rather than technology’s changing people’s social and psychological reality, in other words, people change their use of technology to facilitate their creation of a desired social reality. Internet users should closely examine their behavior, to ensure that excessive time online will not negatively impact their personal well-being. We shouldn’t throw our computers out the window, but neither should we charge on blindly into complete dependence on the Internet. As with many things in life, it seems that moderation and balance are key to maximizing the Internet’s positive effect.| The Internet has provided a new medium with which children and teens can bully their peers. While no direct physical harm can actually be done, the rise of Cyber Bullying can be much more dangerous than the bullying that takes place on school grounds. The Internet provides a false sense of safety and anonymity, which means that more and more children are likely to engage in ridiculing their peers and spreading vicious rumors. Children that would never dream of belittling one of their classmates face to face won’t think twice about doing so in a chat room, on their MySpace page or in a blog. How does the expression go? â€Å"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me†? As we all know, this simply isn’t true. Hurtful words and false accusations can do a world of hurt and can sometimes even lead to physical harm, especially among people who are young and impressionable. The Internet allows users of all ages, not just young people, the opportu nity to reinvent themselves and their image. If they don’t feel accepted at school they may go looking for acceptance on the net, and as we all know, for young people acceptance often comes at the expense of others. What makes Cyber Bullying all the more problematic is the fact that it can be difficult to regulate. Teachers and other staff are present at school to observe students’ behavior and hopefully put an end to bullying when they witness it. However, more and more young people are being given unlimited and unsupervised access to the Internet, which is more vast a place that we can imagine. Parents who aren’t watching what their children are doing on the Internet, whether its because they are technologically challenged, incredibly naive, or just negligent, have no idea what sorts of behavior their children are engaging in. When most parents finally wise up, they are shocked and appalled at what sites little Ryan has been visiting or who precious little Jamie has been conversing with. Possibly the most dangerous aspect of the Internet is the way that it encourages dangerous and hurtful behavior. Young girls are praised for posting inappropriate and revealing photographs of themselves and ridicule and rumors among classmates are answered and supported with even more hurtful behavior. It is up to society as a whole to help bring this problem of children and the Internet under control. The Internet is a wonderful tool, don’t get me wrong, but it is very hard to regulate and it is very easy for children too obtain a myriad of images and information that should not be seen by their impressionable eyes. Unfortunately, many parents are naive to this problem and refuse to believe that their children would get involved in anything dangerous or inappropriate on the Internet. Programs and other tools are available to help parents monitor their children’s Internet usage, but these alone are not enough. Young people today are more likely to know more about these devices than their parents, and often can find ways to bypass them. Therefore, you also need to be limiting the total amount of time that your children spend on the Internet each day and know what sort of access and supervision is taking place when they are visiting friends. Never, ever, allow children to have a computer in their room or their own laptop. The computer that your children use should always be in a main and heavily trafficked room of the house, where you can keep a watchful eye on their activity. It is up to you to help make this world a safer place for your children and you cannot underestimate the danger that is lurking in your very own home every time they sit down in front of the computer.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Paraphrasing and Summarizing Essay

Is in that location a difference between paraphrasing and summarizing? What is it? How do you know when it is most appropriate to purpose one or the other in an pedantic paper? In academic writing there are more do nots to finish from in writing academically. Two of the do nots that relates to paraphrasing and summarizing are * Do not copy from other pecks work * Do not simply copy words and phrases from the top dog paper try to use your suffer words at all time by paraphrasing the question. These points explain there is a difference between paraphrasing and summarizing.Paraphrasing is selecting the author or writer works and referencing the ideas that are used. As well as using your have got words in a space that will capture the audience attention. Summarizing is tie in to your ideas and thoughts of what the writer or author discuss. Plotnick (2012), iterate and summary are indispensable weapons in essay writing because they allow you to implicate other peoples ideas without cluttering up your essay with quotations. They help you take great control of your essay.Consider banking on either tool when an idea from one of your sources is all important(p) to your essay but the wording is not. You should be guided in your choice of which tool to use by considerations of space. But supra all, think about how much of the fact from your source is relevant to your argument. If all your lector needs to know is the bare bones, whence summarize. Ultimately, be sure not to rely too heavily on either paraphrase or summary. Your ideas are what take most. Allow yourself the space to develop those ideas. (para. How do I paraphrase? ).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and reality of technology

When you are not conscious of it, the clear understanding occurs.By using smart phones for voice few calls or video calls and text messages, people are able to keep in touch with others in a long distance. Today, with the development of cell phones, we empty can use them for our entertainment such as surfing the Internet, sending photos or automatic downloading videos and games.Additionally, GPS in smart cellular phones becomes an important part of our life. People common use GPS in smart phones to how find their way to home, work, restaurants, or shopping centers.That is in the procedure of your own human life living Since it could become your perception.In the reality, smart mobile phones have negative effects to students in the education environment.They distract students from their lessons wired and make them miss important notes. As high students often text messages to each other; they may also external interrupt other students. Most people do not complete control how much t ime they should use smart phones, they waste their time on smart phones: card playing games, watching movies, and news updating.

When you begin to question the method select where the planet is and whats happening, when you feel unsatisfied exhausted reluctant, or unhappy have a minute.Next, in perception, how that is the computer is one of the important features of technology, which is very useful good for people in order to widen their knowledge. Our current development is due to digital computers in many areas. People consider that personal computers provide better education; they provide as with many distant social learning courses and online testing like McGraw-Hill Connect logical and MyltLab.Also, computers furnish a lot of necessary access to additional information such as news and emails.Everyone lives in longer his own Earth, there is absolutely no world out.Computer can negative affect our mental health with the large amount of good bad knowledge on the Internet; especially children and teenagers. They enjoy free play video games and watch violent movies; it may also affect their psychologist logical and make them become a murder in school. According cah toa research in 2011 in the U. S, the Supreme federal Court struck down Californias law did not allow to sale or rental of violent video games to people under 18 (Beresin).

Twisting the reality doesnt increase acceptability.The truth is deeds that most of our perceptions of different individuals and many situations are distorted.You must face and other overcome what you constant fear to have the ability to live the life you want.Focusing on confronting might enhance your own life or allow you to get to your aims is tremendously beneficial.

Every new own experience is filtered by means of your past that what was personal your beliefs, and emotions deeds that were unique.The human mind is a reality.It is crucial to negotiate the worlds issues it has its limitations.Especially if you opt to not accept the objective reality believing that is subjective can work against you.

Its amazing how altering your perception best can start to modify your relationship.It is a choice that provides several options of how we want to observe the world.Our own perception is dependent on several matters.Our better understanding has the option to change.